- Amazon Ads? (this is the mainstay) Launch Services (Jump Send, Viral Launch)?
- Facebook Ads to Chabot?
Don’t leave this out money planning either
- If you’re selling below breakeven, how much will each sale cost you?
- Plan your ad costs -assuming that most of your sales will come via
- Amazon ads to start with
Make this critical error and you could be wasting all your ad spent!
- Use software (like CashCowPro, Zonguru, etc.) to track your ranking for all keywords you think might be important.DO THIS BEFORE YOU RUN TRAFFIC!! If you don’t, you are “driving blind” with your Amazon ads. Why? Because the whole point of Amazon ads is to drive ranking for specific keywords
You won’t love this, but it is the KEY to success!
- Know your numbers, what is your breakeven price without ads?
- Set your price to breakeven to start (below breakeven if you can bear it!)
- Gradually raise your price to when you start to achieve your target keyword rankings (see below)
How to set up your Amazon Sponsored ads
- Set an auto campaign with an aggressive bid per click (say $2-5) and strong
- daily budget (say $20-100/day)
- Set up a manual campaign with your top 5 keywords and 20 long tail keywords.

The critical metric for amazon ads (Hint-not Acos)
Find Amazon Ads Start
- Find these under Advertising>Campaign Manager
- If you’re launching, expect to spend a LOT initially. That’s fine IF you’re gaining keyword ranking for valuable keywords as a result. Track this!
- Overall picture by campaign: Monitor for either really good (profitable) or really bad (expensive) results
Measured Keyword by Keyword for manual campaigns
- Look for sales -are you driving sales and ranking?
- Next look for clicks -are you telling the algorithm to rank your listing?
- Check CTR (Click-Through Rate). Over 0.7% is good for ranking
The really important metrics: ATS
- Take the ad-spend on a product for a period.
- Check your overall sales (Business reports) for the same period.
- Calculate your ad-to-sales ratio (ATS). If it’s high in launch period, that’s fine.
- After launch, aim for about 10% overall.
- You can ignore ACoS unless it’s super high (over 100%). It’s a red herring

Author and Creator: Dean Masalta
You don’t have to do it alone. We have a full-service Amazon growth team that can help you take advantage
of everything the retail giant offers its sellers.